Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Storyville prostitute in her knit stockings and under chemise/bloomers.
Photos from Storyville, New Orleans by EG Bellocq.  Ernest Bellocq and storyville are interesting in their own historical right, but from a costuming perspective it is interesting to see the undergarments of the era displayed with so much candor.  As expected, the Victorian era was very "buttoned up" so it is rare to find imagery of women in their underwear.   Generally a lady of this era would not be caught dead without a corset on at least, but Bellocq ingratiated himself upon the Houses of ill repute and I suppose that he hung around so often the ladies got comfortable enough to be photographed.  There is a terrible movie from the 80s called "Pretty Baby" with Brooke Shields that features bellocq as a secondary character, and also there are several books and documentaries on his photographs.
These striped stockings are so fab!  love!